I though "Oh well, whatever, he is just messing around." Then he killed me again! I checked his score to see if he was just going around the whole game d
oing this (you get -15 for kill your own team) but he was on about 100. At this point I felt some revenge was in order. So, I stabbed him up real good. The game ended and I went to play some Galaga (It's fucking awesome). When a thingo popped up saying that I had a voice message from this guy, wait, I'll find his gamertag so I can get my xbox live hommies onto him. STAINLESS 360 is his name. Anyway, the message went like this "I'll fucking shoot you
when you let enemies go by, ya cunt! Fucking getting me killed, motherfucker" or something like that. This was a voice message and the guy sounded like someo
ne who would talk like that. I sent him a message saying "I tripled your score, maybe if you got good at the game you wouldn't die. Think up better smack talk then "fuck" and "cunt"
He sent one back saying something along the lines of "What the fuck is smack talk, you cunt" Speak fucking English, mother fucker. I can't understand you Armidale, flannel wearing, housing commission, cunt!"
First off, flannelette shirts are so back in fashion, at least that's what I heard. Oh, and he knew I was from Armidale because it said so on my gamertag (I really should change that, incase this guy and others are homicidal)
Anyway, I sent a message back saying "Smack talk is sweari
ng and when people like you, ie someone with diminished mental capacity, talk themselves up when they actually suck. I feel a bit sorry for you. Do us all a favour and kill yourself, so you can't reproduce and make more little fuckwits"
It felt good to void someone's existence in a couple of sentences, I mean, he nullified his own existenc
e when he opened his mouth.
I let him send me one more message before I blocked because It's less fun taunting someone when the insults go over there heads. He said something like "Just send text messages, Don't let me hear your real voice because your probably fucking 12, I'll bitch slap you, It would just take one hit" It was something really weird. I was sending him text messages as opposed to him who was sending voice. I was doing that because I don't have an xbox headset. I do have a headset that will work with it and I was searching around for it to send my final message, but alas, I could not find it. So I said this "Hmmm, I can't find my mic. Anyway, I think your shift at Coles packing shelves is about start. It must be crap to suck at games AND real life"
First off, I have nothing against Coles or shelve packers, I would work there packing shelves but I figure I'd be too dainty for that. I just thought it would be a good th
ing to hurl at him. I guess I'm a bit cheap for blocking him but who cares, I'm not the only one that can't deal
with people like that, Am I? Actually, he kink of reminds me of that Kevin "Bloody" Wilson fan that left a comment on a certain persons blog.
I'm going to play some Galaga now, because Galaga is awesome and something that should be idolised by all.

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