Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why do crap movies attract bogans?

As most people reading this know, I work in a video store. Over the time I've worked there the recent movie releases have been.......lacklustre to say the least. Standard comedies, standard horrors, standard thrillers. The same story with a few changes, morphed around changing fads and fashions. But with one thing  in common, they all suck balls. Oh my dear lord, the tripe that people are willing to eat up.
One of the main defences of people that hire out "romantic comedies" (Yes, all of them are awful.) and movies where the main character is described as a "stoned slacker" or any female main character described as "sexy and single". Anyway, the main defence of these people is, "I don't want to have to think, I just want to be entertained". Hey! I've got an idea for you. Get one of your equally vacant friends and nail gun and try to catch them in your mouth! You'll be entertained for a little bit without having to think and you'll also stifle off the profits to movie producers who keep making shit for you to buy.
 You are sitting on the fucking couch watching something that could be stimulating. The job you work is not mentally draining, I don't think any job now days is so mentally draining that a movie with decent characters that you might actually care about would be too much.
Anyway, back to the title. Bogans have the worst taste in movies, a lot of them come in with there gross girlfriends and pick up some horrible shit, "American Pie" "Epic Movie" "Scary Movie". Then all these other D-grade movies that you see on at Noon on Sunday. 
Oh my god, I hate those people!

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