I first heard of this event from a friend who wanted to go out to take photos. From what she told me about it, it sounded like it needed to be documented on film (or, in this case, JPEGs). What I gathered from the description of it was that it was a bunch of people getting high on whatever substance they could find that alters there state of mind and dancing around a bonfire in the middle of the pine forest. For anyone that doesn't know, Armidale has a State Forrest full of pine trees. I don't know why I mention this seeing as all my readers are probably well aware of that but I still like to make sure that any outsider (Hisssssssssss!) is up with the story.
The night was August the 1st. I twas dark because the Earth had rotated around and Armidale was facing away from the sun. I went to the bottle shop with my mum after deciding that experiencing this night sober would probably leave me disappointed and cold. I bought a hip flask of Southern Comfort and we proceeded towards the Good Ol' Pine Forrest. After much yelling about were we should turn off we pulled up next to a gate and I went over to read the sign that was posted up on it. I was a warning about the fact that a WW2 reenactment was taking place and that there would be people with fake guns patrolling the forest and firing blanks. I'd heard that this was happening but I didn't realise how intense it was. Someone pulled up behind us, a couple of guys hoped out and started wondering up to the car.
"Where's the Doof at!!?!"
"Not sure, We're trying to work that out, I think it's up a bit further past a bus stop"
"There aren't any bus stops out here!"
"Hang on I have to piss" *Turns around and starts pissing*
"I'll ring ----ey , he'll tell us where it is"
*Louder than before* "-----EY! Where the fuck is the Doof at........Yeah?.......sooo up past the bus stop? okay" *hangs up* "----ey says he will put some lights one for us to show us where to go"
"Okay, you guys can follow us if you want"
After that the speed off, going so fast that over as little as 300 meters we'd lost them. Fortunately it wasn't to hard to find seeing as there was all these tire marks turning off onto a dirt road and that there was a plume of dust leading down said road that made it almost impossible to see in front of you. The had stopped and got out of the car a few hundred meters down the road. The car they were in had turned around and sped off. I got out and decided to join them on there trek towards the where ever the Waldoof was happening. My mother wasn't too pleased with this idea but I set her mind at ease (somehow) and hoped out of the car.
This is where I will end part 1 because I start to get antsy when I write for too long and I need to eat breakfast. Part 2 will probably come out once Hanna starts bugging me about it.