I have a bricked Xbox 360 for the third time.
I hope to god they fix it for free like all the other times.
I've been bummed out lately about the fact that I suck at making girls jump my bones, so I thought....
"I know, I'll kill some cops on GTA 4 as revenge for them killing kangaroos in real life"
I get a 4 star wanted rating then BAM.
So, I sucked it up and went to the Xbox site and filled in the box that asks you to describe the problem with this.
"Third time! THIRD TIME! Started freezing in a very artsy mosaic of checkers then it red ringed on me. People still have Atari 2600s that work! My Nintendo 64 still works! Maybe I should not bother sending it in and just play some Mario Kart.
I'd be very appreciative if you could repair it for free like you did the other times. At least you can do that for me."