First off, for all of you who are fans of Mrs. Strawbsworth and her lavishly furnished mansion, I’m sorry to tell you this has nothing to do with her or her tabby. This is solely about my 3 day old iPhone power adaptor and it’s untimely demise.
I first discovered that it was no functioning one night when I plugged it in and the iPhone said it wasn’t charging. I figured it was actually charging and the iPhone just didn’t know what it was talking about, so I left it plugged in for the night. The next morning, however, I found that the battery life had dropped down slightly and that the power adapter was indeed, not working. I pulled it out to have a closer look at what was happening. I then discovered little black marks coming for every place were a connection was being made. I rubbed them to see what it was and it just rubbed off, which leads me to believe it was made by smoke. Furthermore, I shock the thing (when things work they usually don’t have loose things in them, hardly any machine works with parts that move around when forcibly shook) and I heard a rattling of something inside! What is this shit!? It’s not meant to make that sound! Is our electricity not good enough for it and it made it die!? Grrrrrrr, Now I have to take it back to the Optus shop I got it from and they won’t be able to do anything on the spot so it will probably have to get sent away or some other time consuming exercise. GRUMBLLLEEEEEEEE.