I was told to curl up in the fetal position so a doctor could perform a lumber puncture. It involves sticking a needle into your lower back to drain spinal fluids. For these fluids are where the Meningococcal live and breed! So it had to be tested. The whole experience wasn't painful at all, It was just annoying be curled up in a ball for so long while feeling nauseous and having the worst headache of your life. As the doctor was draining the fluids he said to me "Well, the fluids are really clear, this is a good sign. Usually they would be a cloudy colour from the infection." However, this still needed to be sent to pathology to be tested for the bacteria, so we had to wait an hour for the results. I can't remember much of that hour, come to think of it, I can't remember much after the results came back saying that I had Meningococcal. I remember not being that worried because I the doctor said we had caught it early and that they were going to put me straight onto a penicillin drip. I'll insert a picture of my funky penicillin friend here.

This is actually Benzylpenicillin, note the Benzene ring on the left of the molecule. Anyway, all that happened after the diagnosis was that the started giving me that intravenously and I got better.
I was put in an ICU room by myself and the nurses had to wear masks to make sure they didn't get my stupid illness. After about 3 days I think I got moved into a room in the childrens ward. All the nurses were super and did WAY more then the doctors. Doctors are all talk and don't do any work. They just work hard in uni and think they're all that and a bag of potato chips, but nurses are awesomely better. Nurses FTW, Lolz!
But there was one nurse that resented me for being in the children's ward and kept telling me "You're very luck to have your own room, the other ward is being renovated and you get to stay here"
I called her Nurse Ratched behind her back, I thought I was super funny.