Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's a freight train

The title of this blog is quote made by John Lennon about me.
I should probably mention that John Lennon loved freight trains, this is a little known fact and the reason you said I was one.
Wow, I bet you’re impressed now. John Lennon thinks I’m a freight train, yeaaaah, that’s right!
I’m going to start saying “Freight Train” when something happens which I approve of.

I haven’t written a blog about anything in particular in ages.
That’s because I hate you.

By the time I finish writing this I will think of something to write about in this blog entry.

Wait, doesn’t that mean I am have to keep writing until I do think of something? This paradox is too much for my
brain. Maybe I should go make a milkshake instead. brb.

Okay I am back. I was away for like 2 days I think. Sorry.

I think If I remember correctly the milkshake I made was fairly lacklustre.
It was because I decided to mix in bison jerky.
That was not a good idea.

Hmmm, I think because I did think of something to write, seeing as
I am writing at the moment.
Which means I can stop typing at any time.

Monday, March 8, 2010